Life Insurance

"It's better to have it & not need it than to not have it & need it."  

Life insurance is the key to: 

  • Protecting your family,
  • Providing financial security, and
  • Building generational wealth.

Some people have said that they don't need life insurance because they will no longer be here. Who really wants to leave their children and close family struggling to pay bills that the recently deceased used to pay with his/her income?

Life insurance is about more than just paying out a set amount of money per month. It's about: 

  • Building cash value that you can borrow when times get rough
  • Paying unexpected expenses without bothering family & friends for loans
  • Ensuring that for multiple years after your transition, your family can live w/o financial stress
  • Children of the deceased can still afford to cover college costs
  • Elderly parents of the deceased can still have income to help support themselves
  • Your family can build generational wealth by investing 

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